Paul J. Niewiadomski

I contracted Covid-19 in early March of 2020. At that time, little was known about Covid and how to treat the symptoms. There was limited medical knowledge and advice available. I became very sick immediately. I was quarantined in a room at home for almost a month. After the initial symptoms during the first few days, I had periods when I felt better. Then the symptoms would return, extreme fatigue, headache, conjunctivitis and the inability to focus. I eventually developed chest pain and my blood oxygen level began to fall. I started going to a local medical clinic to be monitored and was fearful of worsening symptoms and being hospitalized.

It was at this time that I started talking with Mr. Sik-Kee Au, Regencell’s strategic partner TCM practitioner. He provided a TCM formula to me which I began taking. In the matter of a couple of days, the symptoms that I was experiencing with my chest subsided and my blood oxygen levels returned to a normal range. During the treatments, he called me daily to check on symptoms and discuss the treatments. He was always available to talk and was attentive to changes that I was experiencing. Within a week after I began taking the TCM formula, my health had returned to the point that I was able go for walks and resume more normal activities. I attribute my improvement to his treatments.

I have almost exclusively relied upon western medicine for the treatment of medical problems. My experience with the TCM formula caused me to revisit my thinking about treatment options. It also sparked my interest in being involved with Regencell Bioscience. I eventually joined the Board of Directors for the company due to my positive experience with the treatment for my Covid-19 symptoms.